mindfulness time to relax


I myself have been putting into practice mindfulness,on a daily basis and getting really good results from this tool.Many people ask what is mindfulness?and how can it help me.Well in my opinion i think that its a guided imagery tool,so if you want to call it relaxation,meditation,or indeed self hypnosis then i think all these titles are correct its how you perceive it.after going through the exercise then you will feel relaxed more centred and focused.lets face it,we all need a break from our busy daily lives,I’ve put together a video which i hope you enjoy and benefit from,till next time,enjoy your day,enjoy your life,now relax. https://youtu.be/r3_Btcz-ARs

Take your mind on holiday

So we all get bogged down by everyday life, paying the bills rushing around like there’s no tomorrow.think what all this stress is doing to your health,time to take yourself on a holiday even If you can’t physically go on holiday then this exercise will enable to take some time out for a short while enough to recharge your batteries, I do this everyday and your find the results amazing.
Find yourself a quiet spot,sit down and make yourself comfortable with your feet flat on the floor.take a deep breath and count 1,2,repeat a few times.now imagine yourself at your favourite destination, remember your scene.see what you saw and count 1,2,hear the sounds and count 1,2,feel how good you felt and count 1,2, repeat until your senses see,hear and feel.now let that comfortable feeling wash all over your body, from your head all the way to your toes, once you feel so relaxed take a deep breath in and out this time count 1,2,3,4,5 and take this feeling with you and enjoy your relaxing day.till next time. Please leave a comment would love to know how this exercise works for you.

What makes a house a home

What makes a house a happy home.

From when you where born all I wanted was hapoy memorie on the wall, we made happy ones, loving ones, huggable ones, laughable ones, hear the shouts but that’s just makes the happy memories louder,but most of all we made it, for without the unbove this house would just be bricks and mortar, and as you leave making your footprints in the world there’s just one thing I want for you both,is for you both to go make your house a very happy home.

Comfort zone

We all have are own comfort zone.Where you feel safe and secure.could be your job, your home.even the people you mix with, some just like being in the comfort zone, other wonder what it would be like to step out of the comfort zone.would you?if you answered yes to this question chances are you have imagined what it would be like in your mind, even seeing yourself, hearing the different sounds, feeling what you would feel, then thinking no best to keep it safe and sound knowing what you know. But what if you fast forward yourself into the future and you found yourself not having reached for full potential wouldn’t that be a little sad, go on step outside your comfort zone today, your be glad you did.

Do you trust the inner you

The title I am referring to that feeling, voice or clear image you get when you know you are clearly right about something. but how many times have you just shrugged that feeling off, thinking to yourself don’t be silly.I like to call it the inner advisor.
I like you have ignored that very wise advisor within.But I have been proved right on many occasions that had I listened well a few things would of been different now.However I do believe now was the right time to listen, as looking back a few lessons had to be learnt I also believe its now made me a stronger wiser person which can only be a good thing. The inner advisor I believe isn’t just to warn you but also to celebrate the good times for it happens when you just know that something wonderful is just about to happen but you just carnt put your finger on it, then wow that was amazing event or feeling.So remember trust your inner advisor your be so glad you did.

What is Hypnotherapy

Far from the stage-managed, smoke-and-mirror techniques used by “hypnotists”, which are used as entertainment and usually involve putting someone in an embarrassing situation, hypnotherapists are governed by a code of ethics. registered hypnotherapists will “take the deepest possible interest in every client to be at all times conscientious, persevering, kind, patient, thorough and trustworthy and to treat all information acquired during treatment as highly confidential”.

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy in which the therapist guides you towards a state of mental and physical relaxation. It’s a bit like that lovely feeling you get just before you drift off to sleep, or just before you completely wake up. It can feel something like daydreaming.
Hypnotherapy Allows the Conscious Mind to Rest.

When you are in a hypnotic state, your conscious mind can take a break from what it likes to do best, that is, think, analyse, work things out, remember, plan and sometimes just chatter, chatter, chatter. Once your conscious mind is out of the way, your subconscious mind can be accessed. It is the subconscious mind that hypnotherapy speaks to.

The subconscious mind is a deep well of information, and when it’s accessed, profound changes can take place. So if you have unhealthy or unhelpful habits, negative thought patterns, or a traumatic past experience, the subconscious is where they are housed, which is why it’s difficult to change or overcome things using the conscious mind.
The Hypnotic State

The hypnotic state is a normal state of mind. In fact, you may even have had an experience of being in a hypnotic state without even knowing it. Have you ever walked home and on putting the key into the door, wondered how you got there ,that you didn’t remember crossing the busy road or walking past familiar sites? Or drifted off to “another place” while at school or a meeting?

These are all instances of being in a hypnotic state,all hypnosis is “self hypnosis” Our bodies experience what are known as ultradian rhythms, which are cycles or periods that are repeated throughout a 24-hour day. These ultradian rhythms, which are said to occur every 90 to 20 minutes, are the basis of a common, everyday trance or hypnotic state. What usually happens – for instance if you are at work is that you’ll find your concentration flagging and you may find yourself daydreaming or just taking a break. These are natural and normal breaks in our day.

In a sense, hypnosis makes use of these natural lapses in activity by harnessing the subconscious mind to reprogram emotional attitudes and reactions.

It’s almost as if the therapist is a facilitator in your healing, as your mind is being guided towards healthy habits and thought patterns.allowing you to live the life you want.